Inspiring you to lead a calm, happy and free-spirited life
Yin Yoga and The Meridian Network
Meridians are invisible pathways that transport energy around the body. Meridians hugely affect…
Yoga Classes For Beginners
A beginner’s guide to choosing a yoga class. Top 5 yoga classes best for beginners…
Yoga For Anxiety and Stress
Yoga and meditation are incredible tools to adopt if you’re struggling with anxiety, stress, worry or fear…
What is Yin Yoga?
Yin Yoga is a still, calm practise which works into your physical, emotional and energetic body…
How to Create a Yoga and Healing Space at Home
Create a ‘zen space’ at home to bring some separation, calm and peace to life at home…
Why Practise Yoga at Home?
Starting a yoga practise at home can improve your overall wellbeing, provide a virtual community…
15 Minute Meditation
Free Meditation in aid of Mental Health Awareness week 2020… you’re not alone x
5 uplifting poems to include in a Yoga class
A selection of my favourite, uplifting poems to read at the end of a yoga class…