Yoga Classes For Beginners

A beginner’s guide on how to choose your first yoga class

When you first start yoga it can feel quite overwhelming.
There are so many different yoga classes to choose from.

From fiery practises such as Vinyasa and Ashtanga…
…to more relaxing practises such as Restorative and Yin.

And that’s just to name a few of the most popular!

The beauty of practising yoga is that there is a class, a teacher and an environment for everyone.

Every class will be taught differently.

Some classes will be…

…advanced, intermediate or beginners
…powerful, fast or slow
…spiritual or western
…and indoors or outdoors

Some will include chanting, meditation, singing bowls, poems, reiki, massage and the list goes on.

Some will just be simple.

Read on to discover my top 5 yoga classes for beginners.


Top 5 Yoga Classes For Beginners

Choosing a yoga class can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to yoga! Here are 5 classes that you can all attend:

1. Beginners Yoga (!)

As obvious as it sounds, a beginners yoga class is a great place to start. Not everywhere teaches beginners classes but if you can find one online or at a studio they will break down the basics for you.

2. Slow/Mindful Flow

Slow Flow or Mindful Flow are perfect for beginners. You will flow gently between poses, allowing your breath to guide each movement. It’s a very calming practise which will energise and stretch your body, as well as clear and de-stress your mind.

3. Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a great practise to balance the mind, body and soul. You will hold poses between 2-10 minutes at a time working into deep layers of fascia, finding release and relaxation. It’s a nurturing, still and mindful practise.

4. Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra also referred to as ‘yogic sleep’ promotes deep rest and relaxation. Often taught laying down, the teacher will guide you through a meditation which leaves you feeling well rested and ready to tackle your day or week ahead.

5. Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga is a deeply relaxing and healing practise. Very similar to Yin Yoga in some ways but yin works deeply into the connective tissue whilst restorative restores the body. You hold poses as long as 20 minutes at a time.

Other classes to try are: Meditation, Hatha, Ashtanga Level 1


Give Yoga a Go! It’s for everybody!

I hope this post has provided you with a little insight into the different yoga classes for beginners. Be sure to give one a go… they are all so different and one will be perfect for you.


“If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit” - Banksy



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