Why Practise Yoga at Home?

A beginner’s guide on how to start practising yoga at home.

Starting a yoga practise at home can improve your physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It can also offer you a virtual community, comfort and support. It is super easy to do and a perfect activity to add to your working week which will provide you with endless benefits.

Yoga is great for everybody!

To practise yoga at home you can be a complete beginner with no previous experience required. You can do as little or as much as you like. You can modify poses with yoga or household props. You can rest if you feel you need a break, and you can try as many yoga classes as you like until you find the one you love.

Read on to discover 8 benefits of practising yoga at home


8 benefits of practising Yoga at home

Here’s why practising yoga at home can help you to stay fit, well and happy during your working week.

1. Reduces anxiety and stress

Yoga is incredibly powerful for your mind, due to the flow of breath, transition of poses and stillness. If you’re looking to relax, unwind and release anxiety and stress, it is the perfect activity.

2. Reduces tension in the muscles, joints and organs

Yoga poses help to release tension and stiffness in the body, easing the physical discomfort caused by anxiety, stress and worry. It can also help to decrease bloating, release knots and improve breath flow.

3. Sets you up for your day ahead

Practising yoga or meditation in the morning for even as little as 10 minutes can set you up for your day ahead.

4. Stronger body, stronger mind

Without a doubt, the stronger your body becomes, the stronger your mind becomes. Once you start yoga, you will slowly notice changes in your mind, body and lifestyle. Watch the magic unfold.

5. Being part of a community

One of the nicest reasons to start yoga at home is to become part of an online yoga community. You don’t have to chat or have your camera on, but you will see lots of other people practising with you.

6. Improves flexibility

As you start to practise yoga more regularly, you will notice changes in your flexibility. With patience, stillness and breath, your body will begin to open up and you will be able to move more fluidly.

7. You will sleep better

If you’re looking to sleep better and for longer, try a Yoga Nidra class also referred to as ‘Yogic sleep’ or ‘Deep Relaxation’. It is the king of classes for deep sleep due to its relaxing qualities and meditative state.

8. Helps you to be more mindful

By anchoring your mind to your breath and movement, you will stay focused and in the present moment. It will remind you why you’ve come back to your mat, to enjoy many moments of mindfulness.


5 things you need to practise Yoga at home

Are you questioning what you need to start practising yoga at home? Here are 5 things you need before you begin.

1. Comfy clothes

You can practise yoga in anything, but my advice would be to practise in clothes which are comfortable. If you are attending flow classes, perhaps leggings and a tight top. If you are attending Yin, Restorative or Yoga Nidra classes, wear lots of snugly, warm layers. Even socks!

2. Yoga mat or rug

You can practise yoga on anything but I would advise practising on a mat to avoid slipping and pain under the knees. If you are attending Yin, Restorative or Yoga Nidra classes, you could practise on a rug as very little movement is required. You can pick up a yoga mat from most places, just grab a cheap one to begin with.

3. Household props

For Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga, you will need some household props. Grab a stack of books, a couple of pillows and a blanket. I suggest having a pile of books next to your mat for all my classes, unless you’ve got yoga blocks or bricks at home.

4. Device for music

When practising yoga at home as a beginner, I would highly advise listening to some music to enrich your experience and help you to stay present in the moment. If you are following a live, online video, the teacher will normally provide you with a Spotify playlist. In most cases, you will need a separate device to play this from.

5. Download the Zoom app

Most classes are live-streamed from the Zoom app which you can download onto your phone, iPad or Laptop. All you need to do is sign up with your email address and the yoga teacher will send you the link to the zoom meeting (yoga class). Some classes are also live on Facebook and Instagram. Keep your eyes peeled for these!


All set to start your Yoga practise

Now you’re ready to give yoga at home a go! Be sure to try lots of classes and enjoy the wonderful journey.




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