Fighting Fear.

Don’t let fear stop you from living your life

Believe it or not, I contemplated deleting this blog post.
I questioned, “Will people really want to read this?” ,“Will this blog post be good enough?”, “Am I good enough?”…

It’s real. It’s scary.

It swallows you up and spits you back out.

It’s the only emotion that will stop you from moving forward, keeping you hostage in your own mind.

We fear failure, embarrassment, rejection and change.

We worry about what might happen, not what will happen.

Fear keeps you exactly where you are, closing you off from the world and its beautiful opportunities and experiences.

Fear is a real problem.

Read on to learn about what fear is and how to conquer it.


What is fear?

Fear is an unsettling and uncomfortable emotion. It is completely normal to feel fear. It’s your body’s way of protecting you, shielding you from danger, risk and harm.

It is great when you need it, but unhelpful when you don’t.

Sometimes fear can get in the way. It can be blended with anxiety, worry and overthinking. It keeps you ‘stuck’.

How do we push past fear? Acceptance.

We must accept our fears. We can label them. We can explore them. We must become aware of them and the narrative behind them.

“What will people think?”
“Will it be a success?”
“What if I don’t like it?”
“What if I can’t do it?”
“What if they don’t like me?”

Write all your fears down. Try rewriting your fears into positive affirmations, using, “I am”, “I could” or “I can”.

It could be a success
I am ready for change.
I can do it.

You may be your biggest obstacle. 

We are all guilty of creating imaginary scenarios in our heads, finding problems that don’t even exist yet. Or never will.



Being brave isn’t the absence of fear. Being brave is having that fear but finding a way through it.



10 ways to overcome fear

Fear never completely goes away, but it becomes easier to face the more we push into it. Here are 10 ways to tackle it head on:

1. Move out of your mind and into your heart space
2. Be ok feeling uncomfortable
3. Put your words into little actions
4. Write down your fears and flip them into affirmations
5. Let go of perfectionism, expectation and people pleasing
6. Don’t compare yourself or your offerings to others
7. Celebrate the small daily wins
8. Let go of what other people may think
9. Create a support network of like-minded people
10. Introduce yoga, meditation and rituals into your day

And lastly, as quoted by Susan Jeffers…
Feel the fear and do it anyway.

*Highly recommend reading this book if you haven’t already!



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