How to Create a Yoga and Healing Space at Home

A beginner’s guide on how to create a Yoga or healing space at home…

Imagine after a long day at work, you feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed. You can’t switch your mind off and you’re struggling to separate work from home.

But, now you can retreat to your new yoga and healing space

…for a rejuvenating meditation class, a women’s circle or for some deep relaxation to soothe the nervous system.

As you lay in your space, you feel the warmth of cosy layers, you hear the trickle of water and you breathe in the scent of a delicious candle filling the room with it’s earthy aroma.

Sounds dreamy, right?

Read on to discover 8 ways to build a spiritual space at home.


8 ways to build a Yoga or healing space at home

Building a spiritual space at home is a great way to bring ritual, yoga and peace to your every day life.

Here are 8 tips to get you started:

1. Choose a space

Choose a space in your home that is just for relaxation, whether it’s simply a corner, against a wall or in a spare room. This is your space to be creative and to unwind, relax and enjoy some ‘me time’.

2. Be creative in your space

Luckily these days we have tons of inspiration on Pinterest. Here is my Yoga Room Ideas board to get you started. Perhaps the space can become a feature of your home, therefore you don’t need to roll your yoga mat out every day, just float back to your heavenly space.

3. Bring in mother nature

Nature heals the soul and is a beautiful addition to a healing space. There are many ways you can include nature in your space, from house plants, to water features, to natural wood and fibres.

4. Add warm layers

Layer up your space to invite warmth, cosiness and relaxation. You can use all kinds of layers, from blankets, rugs, fur, cushions and bean bags. Also layer yourself up with snuggly jumpers and thick socks.

5. Utilise soft or natural lighting

Invite natural light into your home, or soften the lighting by using lamps, candles and fairy lights. Candles also invite scent which is really powerful to release tension, stress and anxiety in the mind.

6. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a wonderful addition to a spiritual space due to its healing qualities. You can buy a broad range of essentials oils, smudge sticks, incense sticks and diffusers to improve mood, sleep and anxiety.

7. Create a playlist

Music is extremely soothing for the soul and helps you to stay present in the moment. Why not build yourself a playlist on Spotify which you can listen to when you take some time out in your space.

8. Turn your phone off

It may be an obvious one, but turn your phone off (unless of course you’re streaming an online class). If not, it will be the first thing you reach for once you finish your class or leave your space. Be strict.


Enjoy your healing space

That’s it, you’re ready to create your spiritual haven!

I hope I have given you all enough inspiration to get you started. Start small and let your yoga and healing space grow over time.




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