Just Start.

The best piece of advice I can give you to lead a happier and more fulfilling life is, just start.

Start your yoga practise.
Start your business.
Start a new life.
Start a family.
Start whatever it is, just start.

Perhaps you’ve had a light bulb moment in the middle of the night! (Eureka!) But, you’re scared to start it.

Or, you’ve suddenly reached a point in your life where you crave change, but you’re scared to change.

You no longer want to live the life you have led. Perhaps you hate your job, or where you live, or even the relationship you are in. You hate the way it makes you feel.

Whichever answer is you, just start.

Start opening doors. Start exploring inside.

Start with yourself. Exercise. Eat well. Glow.

Fear keeps you stuck. Starting makes you feel alive.


Why start?

Like many, I have encountered some big changes over the years, from quitting the hustle and bustle of London life, backpacking around the world, changing careers and setting up a new life in a new city. This has all unfolded because I took the plunge to start.

Making a change is a journey. Wherever you start will be a million miles away from where you end. (Most likely!)

It’s a chance to really discover:

* Who you are
* What you want
* And how you’re going to make it happen

The problem for many of us is we get swept up in fear, doubt and financial insecurities. Or worst of all, we worry about what other people will think if we put ourselves first.

This leaves us feeling paralysed, anxious and unhappy.



The journey of a thousand miles
begins with one step.



How to get started?

The key to starting a business, a new life, a new relationship, a new hobby, a new career… is to start.

Without thought, hesitation or fear, only action.

Perhaps that’s by quitting your job, going on a date or writing a business plan (don’t panic, it’s not set for life!)

Now I can sense the fear is already starting to creep in, and all you want to do it is close this article down.

* Stop.
* Breathe
* Acknowledge the

Let it pass and make the first step tomorrow. If you don’t start now, you will only wish you had 5 years later.

You can do it. Start.



Why Practise Yoga at Home?


15 Minute Meditation