The Magic of Reiki

Discover the wonderful benefits of Reiki energy healing on the mind, body and soul

Reiki is a Japanese healing modality dating back to the 1800’s, to help bring the mind, body and spirit into a state of harmony.

It’s a deeply healing treatment which works into the physical, energetic and emotional body, providing release and relaxation.

You can receive Reiki in-person as a 1-2-1 treatment, and you can also receive Reiki at distance via Zoom.

Reiki is a beautiful treatment to receive regularly or as a one-off if you’re feeling a little deflated, tired, low energy, anxious, overwhelmed or going through a particularly challenging patch in your life. Reiki is a gentle and supportive treatment which helps to heal the body naturally.

Read on to learn more about Reiki and it’s magical benefits…


What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ‘ray-key’) is a gentle, non-invasive treatment which helps to bring the mind and body back into its natural state.

Reiki also referred to as, ‘universal life force energy’ is channelled to the patient from the practitioner’s hands (either above or on the body) helping to release energetic and emotional blockages.

Receiving Reiki helps to improve the flow of energy around your body and your overall health and wellbeing. It also helps to ease pain and physical symptoms in the body, as well as reduce mental clutter, fatigue, anxiety and stress. Reiki helps you to connect more deeply with your soul providing inner guidance, wisdom and clarity.


What happens during a Reiki treatment?

Before a Reiki treatment the practitioner may ask you how you are feeling and what has brought you to the session. You are open to talk as little or as much as you like. Reiki is always a safe space to share.

You will then be invited to lay on a massage bed layered in blankets to keep you warm and cosy during your treatment. An eye pillow may also be provided to help you shut out any external distractions.

The practitioner will begin channelling energy to you via their hands, either above or on your body. They will be intuitively guided and will allow reiki to flow to places where it is most needed. Some practitioners may also use sound, scent and other healing tools which all adds to the magic!

Once the treatment has come to an end, the practitioner will discuss what they felt and where they were drawn too. You will also have the chance to chat to the healer about what you felt or experienced too.

What happens during a distance Reiki treatment?

Distance Reiki is very similar to an in-person treatment however Reiki is sent through time and space through source. Most people feel skeptical about a distance Reiki treatment due to the lack of physical presence, however once they have received a session they are shocked at how relaxed and centred they feel afterwards.

Before a Distance Reiki treatment begins you will be invited to set up a cosy space at home. You can either lay on your bed or yoga mat.

The practitioner will begin channelling Reiki energy to you through an application like Zoom. Some practitioners may also use relaxation techniques such as ‘Yoga Nidra’ to help you ground and settle before the energy healing begins. The healer will intuitively guide energy to flow to places where it is most needed in your body.

Distance healing is a wonderful option if you like the comfort of your own home or find it difficult to fit sessions into your daily schedule.

What will I experience during a Reiki treatment?

During a Reiki treatment you will feel super relaxed and heavy once energy has started to flow around your body. Your mind and body will surrender and you will reach a deeply relaxed state of being.

You may also experience emotions rising to the surface, spectrum of colours, visualisations, past memories and dream like states. You may feel warmth, coolness and energetic shifts in the body.

Some may also experience the presence of spirits if they have a deep connection with the spirit world.

You will leave each session feeling realigned and centred.


What are the benefits of receiving Reiki?

There are so many benefits to receiving Reiki, from feeling deeply relaxed and centred to releasing emotional and energetic blockages.

10 Benefits of Receiving Reiki

  1. A sense of deep relaxation

  2. Emotional and energetic healing

  3. Tension and stress release

  4. Encourages balance and harmony

  5. Deeper connection with intuition

  6. Greater clarity and focus

  7. Better sleep and reduces insomnia

  8. Improves mood and emotional being

  9. Encourages the body to heal naturally

  10. Deeper spiritual connection and growth


Experience the magic of Reiki

I hope this post has provided you with a deeper insight into the magic of Reiki energy healing and its wonderful benefits.

If you would like to feel calmer, happier and more aligned, I couldn’t recommend it enough. It’s a beautiful healing modality.

Warmest wishes x



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