What are the Spiritual, Emotional and Physical Benefits of Cacao?

Learn about the history and incredible healing benefits of drinking the Sacred Plant Medicine Cacao

Cacao is a gentle and supportive plant medicine used as part of a daily ritual, medicinal drink or during a ceremony to help relax the body, open the heart space and connect you with your soul’s purpose.

It has been around for thousands of years used by Mesoamerican and American cultures as a sacred drink to connect to the divine.

100% ceremonial cacao is straight from the bean and ground into ‘cacao liquor’ to support emotional, physical and spiritual healing.

Cacao doesn’t provide a hallucinogenic or ‘out of body’ experience but a gentle feeling of warmth, bliss and connection.

It comforts you, relaxes you and helps you to let go and trust.

Read on to learn more about the history of cacao and its healing benefits…

What is Cacao?

Cacao (pronounced ‘cu-COW’) comes from the tropical tree, ‘Theobroma’ which means ‘food of the gods’.

Theo = god
Broma = food

Cacao beans grow inside huge pods on cacao trees and are used to make chocolate which we refer to as ‘Cocoa’. Once the beans are picked, they are fermented, dried and roasted. Cacao is the raw, unprocessed version of cocoa before it is turned into cocoa powder or made into chocolate containing lots of sugar and dairy products to make it taste sweet.

It is much more bitter than cocoa but has incredible physical, spiritual and emotional benefits. Many years ago before chocolate became a sweet treat, Mayans and Aztecs used cacao in ritual and ceremonies. They drank cacao hot and spicy with chillies.

History of Cacao

Cacao originated from Mesoamerican, native cultures such as Maya, Aztecs, Incas, Olmecs, Toltecs and Izapan over 4000 years ago. Cacao was regarded as a highly valuable drink by the elite, used in rituals, ceremonies, festivals and for medicinal purposes.

The Spanish were the first to experience the magic of cacao and brought it back to Europe in the early 16th century. It was soon discovered by the west and began to spread around Europe. European countries began to experiment with cacao, adding sugar, milk and other ingredients producing what we know today as chocolate - a sweet and sellable product.

Why Drink Cacao?

Cacao is a warm, nurturing and supportive drink which you can add to your morning ritual, yoga practise or evening ceremonies.

It helps to relax the body, open the heart space, release negative thought patterns and increase feelings of joy, clarity and peace. It is a powerful plant for transformation, helping you to connect more deeply with your purpose.

Cacao is a superfood that is full of antioxidants, dopamine, serotonin and anandamide which leaves you feeling blissful and a little high.

It is a gentle, feminine medicine which can be used daily as part of a ritual or as one-off for deep healing.

How Much Cacao Should I Drink?

Personal Uses

If you are using cacao as part of a daily ritual or as a substitute for coffee, use 20-25gms per day. You can make cacao with water or plant based milk and add sweeteners such as honey or agave syrup if you find it too bitter. You can also experiment with adding spices such as chilli, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla or ginger.

For Ceremonial Use

If you are using cacao for ceremonial purposes, you can use up to 42gms of Cacao, however you may wish to start with half the dose.

Please note

Do not consume Cacao if you have any heart conditions, take anti-depressants or have any other underlying health conditions. Please consult your doctor for advice before proceeding.

Benefits of Cacao

There are many physical, emotional and spiritual benefits to drinking cacao from feeling deeply relaxed to releasing negative thought patterns.

5 Physical Benefits of Cacao

  1. Rich in nutrients; magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and potassium which supports cardiovascular health and stress relief

  2. Contains dopamine and serotonin which reduce depression

  3. Contains anandamide known as the bliss module

  4. Contains powerful antioxidants which balance blood sugar levels

  5. Increases blood flow to the brain which improves focus and awareness

5 Emotional Benefits of Cacao

  1. Releases emotional blockages in the body

  2. Releases negative thought patterns and conditioning

  3. Provides more clarity and connection to life purpose

  4. Enables us to let go of self-limiting beliefs and fears

  5. Promotes feelings of love, warmth and inner peace

5 Spiritual Benefits of Cacao

  1. Invites a stronger connection with higher self

  2. Encourages us to follow our own truth and purpose

  3. Deepens our connection with ourselves and others

  4. Deepens our connection with spirit guides

  5. Encourages deep spiritual journeying

What is a Cacao Ceremony?

A cacao ceremony varies depending on the ceremony facilitator but generally people sit in a circle, drink cacao and enjoy healing modalities.

Cacao ceremonies can consist of meditation, journalling, sharing, light language, sound healing, reiki and many more holistic therapies. It is a safe space for you to relax, release and heal on a deeper level.

Depending on your own journey, ceremonies can feel quite intense if you are going through grief, healing deep wounds or trauma. You may experience emotional and physical release in the body.

Cacao ceremonies are an opportunity to let go of anything heavy, set new intentions and create personal transformation. They can bring surrender, trust and clarity to a purpose or situation.

Enjoy a Warm Cup of Cacao

I hope this post has provided you with a deeper insight into the sacred plant medicine, cacao. I highly recommend journeying with cacao if you feel called. It’s a beautiful healing medicine which has an array of health benefits and can provide deep relaxation, release and clarity.

Attending a cacao ceremony is a truly wonderful experience too that I would recommend everyone to try at least once in their life. It’s a heart-warming experience to heal as a collective group of beings.

Warmest wishes x


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