The Power of Acceptance

How can we invite more acceptance into our lives instead of resistance?

A word that we all find challenging to accept!

How can I possibly accept this?
How can I possibly accept them?
How can I possibly accept that?

We all struggle with acceptance.
It makes us feel angry, frustrated or sad.

It provokes negative feelings, such as..
‘It’s not fair.’
‘If that never happened then…’

Acceptance is hard to swallow.

In order for us to cultivate more acceptance into our lives, we must accept how we feel in this moment and the reality of a situation (whether we like it, agree with it or support it).

If we continue to resist, we will only fight against the universe and invite more negativity, illness and struggle into our lives.

We must surrender, let go and trust.

Read on to learn more about acceptance.


What is Acceptance?

Acceptance is the willingness to accept a situation, person or event which you are struggling to tolerate.

Acceptance does not mean you like, agree or support a particular situation in your life. It only means accepting the reality of a situation without being able to change it or run away from it.

How can you accept your job?
How can you accept a relationship?
How can you accept a situation?

If we choose to accept instead of resisting, we may look at obstacles as an opportunity which lead us down a different path, whether it be in a relationship, job or purpose. Or we may look at a current situation with more compassion, perspective and light.

If we choose to fight and resist the present moment, we will only cause more turbulence in our minds and continue to live from a place of fear.

Our human body is incredibly clever and listens to every message it receives. If we constantly tell ourselves we are not good enough, unhappy or fearful, we will bring both physical and emotional stress to our bodies. If we bring more acceptance and compassion into our lives, we will invite more positivity, abundance, love and healing.

In order for us to work towards positive change, we must accept the past, trust that we are meant to be in this moment and embrace what is to come (whether we know it or not).


10 Ways to cultivate more acceptance

I have struggled with acceptance in my life. I have felt frustration, anger and agitation towards situations. I am human after all.

I have sat with these feelings and emotions and have learnt the power of acceptance. I have sat with my truths. I have learnt over time how to accept situations through stillness, healing and spiritual tools.

Here are 10 ways to cultivate more acceptance in your life:

  1. Sit with your truths and fears (be honest!)

  2. Journal about difficult thoughts and feelings

  3. Remind yourself that everyone is doing the best they can

  4. Share gratitude for something or someone every day

  5. Walk into the things that scare you the most or light you up

  6. Learn to forgive others by sitting with their truths

  7. Learn to live from your heart, share love with yourself and others

  8. Commit to change through small actions and daily rituals

  9. Speak your truth with compassion and strength

  10. Remove shoulds and expectations from your life

  11. Let go of perfectionism and be the beautiful person you are


“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.”
- Deepak Chopra

“In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.”
- Albert Einstein 




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