The Chakra System

A beginner’s guide to the 7 chakras and their meanings.

The chakra system holds your body’s invisible energy referred to as ‘prana’, ‘chi’, ‘universal life force’ or ‘vibrancy.’

Chakra refers to a spiritual energy centre in the human body.
In Sanskrit, the word ‘chakra’ means ‘wheel’ or ‘disc.’

There are 7 major energy centres starting from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each chakra is filled with energy that cannot be seen by the human eye but can be felt and experienced through our own intuition.

Chakras spin and draw in spiritual energy to help balance our physical and mental wellbeing. When a chakra is opened and aligned we may feel relaxed, centred and balanced. When a chakra is blocked or partially closed we may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.

You can heal the chakras through a variety of healing modalities including, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Yoga and Sound.

So, What are The Seven Major Chakras?

  1. The Root Chakra

  2. The Sacral Chakra

  3. The Navel Chakra

  4. The Heart Chakra

  5. The Throat Chakra

  6. The Third-eye Chakra

  7. The Crown Chakra

Read on to learn about each Chakra and their affect on the physical and emotional body…


What are the 7 Chakras?

  1. Muladhara (The Root Chakra)

    The first chakra, ‘Muladhara’ means root and is located at the base of your spine. It is linked with your sense of security in the world, at home and in your relationships.

    • Element: Earth

    • Colour: Red

    • Affirmation: I am…

    • Blocked chakra: Weight gain or loss, depression, anxiety, exhaustion, stress, lethargy, unable to manifest intention

  2. Svadhisthana (The Sacral Chakra)

    The second chakra, ‘Svadhisthana’ is located at the lower belly. It is connected to creativity, pleasure, emotions and your relationship with everything and everyone.

    • Element: Water

    • Colour: Orange

    • Affirmation: I feel…

    • Blocked chakra: Lower back pain,UTI’s, bladder and kidney issues, reproductive issues, repressed emotions

  3. Manipura (The Navel / Solar Plexus Chakra)

    The third chakra, ‘Manipura’ is located at the navel. It is linked to your sense of purpose, self-worth, confidence and self-esteem. It is your power, identity and individuality.

    • Element: Fire

    • Colour: Yellow

    • Affirmation: I can…

    • Blocked chakra: Digestive issues, eating disorders, lack of self-worth, issues with pancreas, liver and colon

  4. Anahata (The Heart Chakra)

    The fourth chakra, ‘Anahata’ is located at your heart space. It is connected to compassion and unconditional love. It is our ability to both give and receive love, and love ourselves.

    • Element: Air

    • Colour: Green or pink

    • Affirmation: I love…

    • Blocked chakra: Poor circulation, lack of trust, codependence, heart and lung issues, blood pressure

  5. Vishuddha (The Throat Chakra)

    The fifth chakra, ‘Vishudda’ is located at the throat - our channel of communication. It is your ability to speak your truth freely.

    • Element: Ether

    • Colour: Blue

    • Affirmation: I speak…

    • Blocked chakra: Sore throat, neck and shoulder pain, poor communication, hearing issues

  6. Ajna (The Third-eye Chakra)

    The sixth chakra, ‘Ajna’ is located at the third eye which is slightly above and central to the eyebrows. It is connected to your higher self, intuition, wisdom and truth.

    • Element: Light

    • Colour: Indigo

    • Affirmation: I see…

    • Blocked chakra: Headaches, migraines, dizziness

  7. Sahasrara (The Crown Chakra)

    The final chakra, ‘Sahasrara’ is located at the crown of the head and resembles a lotus flower. It is our connection to the world around us, enlightenment, unity and spirt.

    • Element: Thought

    • Colour: Violet

    • Affirmation: I understand…

    • Blocked chakra: Confusion, imbalance, unfocused


I hope this post has provided you with a little insight into the chakra system and the affect it has on the mind and body.

If you would like to learn more about the Chakra system I host regular courses online and at Ookushana healing school in Leeds.




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