Autumn Equinox Ritual - Welcoming in the New Season

A simple Autumn ritual you can try at home to welcome the change of seasons…

It’s that time of year again.

A cool breeze fills the air.

The nights start to draw in.

We reach for our thick, cosy jumpers, light fires and candles and crave hot, nourishing meals to warm up our soul.

It’s my favourite time of the year!

Every equinox is a reminder that nothing lasts forever.

As we enter fall, we mark a time of transition and change, allowing things to fall and regrow.

It’s a time to cleanse, rest and look inward until the arrival of the Spring Equinox in the New Year which invites new life and beginnings.

In order to experience growth, happiness and transformation in our lives, we must release what no longer serves us now.

We must let it fall.

Read on to learn about the Autumn Equinox and a simple Autumnal ritual you can try at home this season…


What is the Autumn Equinox?

The Autumn Equinox is a time for shedding, harvesting and preparing the mind and body for rest as we enter a long winter ahead.

This year, the Autumn Equinox takes place on Tuesday 23rd September.

An Equinox only happens twice each year around the middle of March and September. It occurs when the sun is directly above the equator. An Equinox is when daytime and nighttime are equal in length.

In contrast to the Autumn Equinox, the Spring Equinox is a time for re-birth, growth and transformation as we feel winter passing and we look forward to lighter nights. In order for renewal, we must let go of what no longer serves us now and rest until the arrival of spring.

Every Equinox is a wonderful opportunity to welcome cleansing, clearing, rituals, reiki, yin yoga and other healing modalities.


A simple Autumn ritual you can do at home

The Autumn Equinox is a wonderful time to release and restart, not only mentally but physically too. Spend some time letting go of mental clutter by journalling, meditating, practising rituals and yoga.

Physically, you may wish to clean and cleanse your home and workspace as we welcome the seasonal change. Here are 6 steps to help you set up a simple Autumn ritual at home…

  1. Set up a Ritual Space

    1. Find a quiet, comfy space inside or outdoors

    2. Clean and organise your space from clutter

    3. Light some candles and burn some scent

    4. Keep the lighting low and play some soft music


    5. Cleanse your space by burning some sage or palo santo

    6. Create an altar - invite nature (fallen leaves, conkers, acorns etc), photographs, crystals, feathers etc… or just keep it nice and simple

  2. Meditate & Feel

    Sit quietly in meditation for 5-15 minutes. Start to ground, relax and tune in to your mind and body. Observe what thoughts, feelings and emotions begin to rise. Don’t judge or alter them, but just start to become aware. Become a witness of your own mind.
    Click here for a Free Guided Mindfulness Meditation

  3. Write & Release

    Write down on a piece of paper everything you wish to release from the past 6 months or more. This could be anything from emotions, physical ailments, thoughts, relationships, events, situations - anything that is holding you back from feeling at peace.

  4. Read Aloud & Burn

    Read aloud what you wish to release. Fold up the piece of paper and begin to burn it repeating “I release the past with ease and I trust the path I am on.” Repeat 3-5 times.

  5. Bury the Ashes (Optional)

    Once you have burnt your piece of paper it can feel really grounding to bury the ashes in soil. Give back to the earth.

  6. Close & Share Gratitude

    To close your ritual bring your hands together into prayer in front of your heart. Fill your heart full of gratitude for all that you have in this moment. Send gratitude to loved ones.


I hope you all have a wonderful Autumn and Equinox, and enjoy this time of year to release and reset for the Winter months ahead.




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