Journey through the Chakras: A 4 Week Course @Ookushana

7 - 8.15pm // 75 minutes
11th November - 2nd December

Grab a ticket


Join me this Autumn at the lovely Ookushana for 4 weeks of chakra healing, support, deep rest and rejuvenation. Over the course of 4 weeks we will journey through the chakra system using the magic of Yin Yoga, Meditation, Reiki and Yoga Nidra.


Week 1: Root & Sacral Chakra
Belonging, Trust & Emotional Intelligence

Week 2: Solar Plexus Chakra
Confidence, Desires & Personal Power

Week 3: Heart & Throat Chakra
Love, Connection & Self-Expression

Week 4: Third-eye & Crown Chakra
Intuition, Wisdom & Purpose

What to expect

*Chakra Balancing
*Gentle Breathwork
*Yin Yoga
*Nidra & Reiki

Who is this for:

*Anyone wanting to learn about the Chakra system
*Anyone wanting to balance their chakras
*Anyone feeling tired, anxious or overwhelmed
*Anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of their mind, body and soul
*Anyone looking for weekly relaxation and deep rest
*Beginners, teachers, healers - all welcome

You will need:

*Lots of warm layers as your temperature will drop during the sessions (socks, jumpers, extra blanket etc)

*Eye pillow to block out external distractions *optional*

*Props if you would prefer to use your own *optional - see below*

I will set the space up with the studio's props but you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer. You will need:

A yoga bolster or 2 x pillows
2 x yoga bricks or 2 x thick books
A blanket


Course Details

Over the course of 4 weeks we are going to dive deeply into our chakra system using the magic of Yin Yoga, Breath, Self-healing, Nidra and Reiki to stimulate each energy centre.

Each week we will be journeying through one or two chakras, learning how to connect more deeply with them and understanding their relation to the physical and emotional body. We will work to open and balance each chakra by increasing the energy flow.

We will begin each session with a chakra meditation to help open up each energetic portal to receive. We will then move through a Yin Yoga practise inviting stillness and observation. As you hold a yin pose for up to 10 minutes, you will be encouraged to observe the energy centre and notice any physical, emotional or energetic shifts in the body. We will use the magic of breath and self-healing to work through any blockages, finding release and rejuvenation.

Each weekly class will close with a deeply relaxing savasana. I will guide you through a short Yoga Nidra sequence (also known as yogic sleep) to encourage physical and mental relaxation. You will be invited to grab your blanket, layers and anything else to keep you extra warm and cosy. As you lay on your back and listen to my voice, you will drift into a blissful state of alert relaxation.

During the weekly classes, I will be inviting reiki energy to flow to the places it is most needed. Just relax, surrender and allow your body to open up to fully receive. Expect scents, sound and deep healing.

You will leave each week feeling well rested, rebalanced and ready to tackle the new week.

What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is a calm, still and slow-paced style of yoga which works into your physical, emotional and energetic body. You will hold yin yoga poses for 2-10 minutes at a time, supported by props. Yin yoga provides moderate stress to the body by working deeply into the connective tissue which surrounds your muscles, bones, joints and organs.

Yin Yoga connects mind, body and soul and facilitates the flow of chi (energy). It helps to stimulate different meridians (energy channels) and chakras (energy centres) in the body. Yin Yoga helps to bring the mind and body into a state of equilibrium.

You can learn more about Yin Yoga here

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese healing modality that helps to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Reiki works with unseen ‘life force energy’ that flows around your body. It is a non-invasive treatment that works directly above or on the body, or through time and space, to release energetic blockages and improve energy flow.

You can learn more about Reiki here

What are Chakras?

Chakras refer to spiritual energy centres in the body that cannot be seen by the human eye but can be felt and experienced through intuition. When a chakra is opened and aligned we may feel relaxed, centred and balanced. When a chakra is blocked or partially closed we may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.

Learning about the chakra system can help you to identify blocked and healthy chakras within your own energetic system, and how to work through the blockages to be a healthier and happier you.

You can learn more about chakras here


Week 1

Root & Sacral Chakra
Belonging, Trust & Emotional Intelligence

In our first week we will move through a grounding sequence of Yin Yoga poses to help stimulate the energy flow to our root and sacral chakras.

The root chakra is linked with safety, security and your sense of belonging in the world, whilst your sacral chakra is connected to your creativity, pleasure, relationships and emotions.

Root and sacral chakra healing supports depression, anxiety, exhaustion, stress, lethargy, weight loss or gain, lower back pain, UTI’s, bladder and kidney issues, reproductive issues and repressed emotions.


Week 2

Solar Plexus Chakra
Confidence, Desires & Personal Power

In our second week we will move through a stimulating sequence of Yin Yoga poses to help activate the fire in our solar plexus chakra.

The solar plexus chakra is linked to your sense of purpose, self-worth, confidence and self-esteem. It is your power, identity and individuality.

Solar plexus chakra healing supports lack of self-worth and confidence, the ability to manifest desires, digestive problems, eating disorders, and issues with the pancreas, liver and colon.


Week 3

Heart & Throat Chakra
Love, Connection & Self-Expression

In our third week we will move through a sequence of Yin Yoga poses to help connect more deeply with our heart and throat chakras.

The heart chakra is connected to compassion and unconditional love, and your ability to both give and receive love. The throat chakra is your channel of communication and your ability to speak your authentic truth.

Heart and throat chakra healing supports lack of trust, codependence, poor circulation, heart and lung issues, blood pressure, sore throats, neck and shoulder pain, poor communication and hearing problems.


Week 4

Third-eye & Crown Chakra
Intuition, Wisdom & Purpose

In our fourth week we will move through a sequence of Yin Yoga poses to awaken your third-eye and crown chakras.

The third-eye chakra is connected to your higher self, intuition, wisdom and truth, and your crown chakra is your connection to the world around you, enlightenment, unity and spirit.

Third-eye and crown chakra healing supports headaches, migraines, dizziness, confusion, a lack of focus and strengthens your bond with the divine and universal realm.

Important Information

This course is hosted at Ookushana Healing School.

94b Harrogate Road
Chapel Allerton

If you have any worries or concerns about the course then please don’t be afraid to drop me an email.


You can grab a ticket here

If you wish to book directly with Ookushana Healing Studio, click here

I can’t wait to get cosy in the studio.

I hope you can join me.

Warmest wishes,

Holly x