Release & Let Fall
Online Yin Yoga Workshop

4 - 5.15pm
Sunday 20th September

Buy a ticket here


Every season is a reminder that nothing lasts forever.

As we enter fall, we mark a time of transition and change which we must honour and accept.

We must allow things to fall and regrow.

In order for us to be fulfilled, happy and our true authentic selves, we must release and let go of the past, revealing what is most precious to us in the present moment.

As we surrender - taking a moment to pause - we allow ourselves some space to move forward in a happier way. We let go of all the waste and we invite purity, beauty and transformation.

In Chinese medicine, autumn is the season of the element metal, and grief is the emotion associated with it. We all experience loss, separation and ‘letting go’. Grief cleanses us of what is no longer needed in our lives.


Workshop Overview

In this workshop we will be working through a set of yin yoga poses to help stimulate the lungs and large intestine meridians.

We will bring our thoughts and emotions into a more peaceful harmony, through emotional and energetic release.

As you hold prop-supported poses for 2-10 minutes at a time, you will be encouraged to observe what comes up energetically and emotionally.

Yin Yoga connects mind, body and soul and facilitates the flow of chi (vital life force). It helps to stimulate different meridians (energy channels) that run through the body. When energy gets stuck along these channels it can cause tension, illness, emotional and energetic blockages.

Each yin pose will be helping to rebalance the lungs and large intestine meridians (energy channels) which are associated with letting go, grief and courage.

When the lungs and large intestine fail to do their jobs, you may experience physical symptoms such as cramping, constipation, diarrhoea, colds, sore throat, blocked nose, a cough or bronchitis.

Each pose will be carefully selected to help stimulate the flow of energy along the lungs and large intestine meridians, and release any unwanted energy that no longer serves us.

When the energy is balanced we have the ability to experience life in the present, appreciating it’s many precious moments.

We will finish the session with a lovely, long savasana including a guided, mini massage with essential oil (only if you have it) and deep relaxation.


What to expect

*Grounding and Meditation

*Intention Setting

*Yin Yoga for the Lungs & Large Intestine

*Self Massage (with essential oil if you have it)

*Deep Relaxation


You will need:

*A yoga mat

*A couple of books or yoga bricks

*A couple of pillows or bolster

*Essential oil for massage (only if you have it)

Please wear comfy, warm clothes as we will be spending a lot of time on the floor.


Extra touches:


*Eye pillow




Important Information

The workshop is suitable for complete beginners - no experience needed.

Please read my health & safety waiver here before purchasing a ticket.

The workshop is live-streamed from my home on behalf of Ookushana Healing Studio. You can watch the session from your iPad, laptop or phone.

During the workshop you are welcome to turn your camera on or off, but I invite you to keep it on if you feel comfortable to practise as one community.

Please keep your volume turned off until the end of the workshop.



You can grab a ticket here.

If you wish to book directly with Ookushana Healing Studio, click here.



Any questions or concerns, please drop me a message.

I look forward to sharing the magic of Yin with you.

Holly x