FREE Preparing for the
Physical World Workshop

Online via Ookushana
Sunday 28th March, 7-8.15pm

FREE, Open to all
Grab a ticket


Join me for a deeply healing workshop to help you ground, release and prepare for the change as we start to transition back into the physical world.

*A recording will also be available incase you’re unable to attend and/or would like to practise again in the week or before the 12th April*

Spring is here, the sun is back and energy is rising! It feels good!

Everyone is getting excited about the thought of seeing loved ones and celebrating the end of a very challenging time. As we begin to transition back into the physical world, it is important to keep our cup full and ensure we are looking after ourselves as we adapt to the change.

Join me for an online workshop to help you stay grounded and supported as we start to transition back into the physical world. We will release any unwanted fears and self-limiting beliefs and open our bodies up to new possibilities, freedom and joy.

Over the duration of the workshop we are going to dive deeply into our root chakra, through the magic of breath, movement, yin and reiki. Our focus for the workshop will be to explore, release and heal our root chakra. The root chakra governs the lower part of our body, helping us to feel grounded and secure in our lives. When our root chakra is out of balance we may feel anxious and fearful of change.

The root chakra is linked with safety, security and your sense of belonging in the world. It is also linked to boundaries, feelings of trust and your foundations.

We will start the workshop with a calming meditation to help you arrive, ground and tune in to your mind, body and root. We will begin to explore our root through Yin Yoga and intuitive movement, releasing any fears we may be holding on too.

You will be encouraged to observe what comes up energetically and emotionally without any need to judge, expand or identify with. By just sitting and observing the physical sensations, you will allow your system to work through the blockages and provide a much needed release.

We will end the workshop with gratitude and a deeply healing, reiki savasana to help you recharge and carry loving awareness into your new week.

Yin Yoga & Reiki connects mind, body and soul and facilitates the flow of chi (energy). It helps to stimulate different meridians (energy channels) and chakras (energy centres) in the body. Both healing modalities help to bring the mind, body and soul into a state of equilibrium.


What to expect

*Grounding & Meditation
*Mindful Movement & Yin Yoga
*Reiki & Relaxation


Who is this Workshop for?

*Anyone who is feeling fearful and anxious about the change

*Those looking for relaxation at home

*Anyone feeling isolated and longing for connection

*Anyone feeling ungrounded or lost their sense of belonging

*Those looking to deepen their connection with their root


What you will need:

*A warm and cosy space (try to make your space as inviting as possible e.g. candles, lamps, scents, layers etc)

*Comfortable, warm clothing

*A yoga mat or a rug

*2-3 x books (or 2 x yoga bricks)

*2 x pillows (or 1 x yoga bolster)

*A blanket


*Eye pillow for deep relaxation

*Sage / Palo Santo for clearing

*Crystals for the root chakra


Important Information

This workshop is hosted on behalf of Ookushana Healing Studio via Zoom. You can watch the session from your iPad, laptop or phone. The workshop is suitable for beginners.

During the workshop you are welcome to turn your camera on or off, but I invite you to keep it on if you feel comfortable to practise as one community. Please keep your volume turned off until the end of the workshop.


You can grab a FREE ticket here



Any questions or concerns, please drop me a message.

Look forward to sharing this with you all.

Warmest wishes

Holly xxx